Uganda will host the first regional seminar on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Seminar, that has attracted Members of Parliament from 49 countries in Sub Saharan Africa will focus on finding solutions to problems of poverty, and malnutrition that is causing deaths, and climate change.
“According to the National Planning Authority, the number of people living in extreme poverty has reduced considerably. There are however, people especially in the rural areas who remain insecure as they live on less than a dollar a day despite the fact that in the urban areas, the number of people in middle class have increased,” said Kadaga at a press conference held at the Parliament Building today, Monday 27th February 2017.
The press conference was attended by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative, Ms. Rosa Malango.
“Climate change also remains a challenge as witnessed now with the draught in several parts of Uganda and the region. This has led to people especially the women and children starving due to lack of food,” Kadaga added.
The seminar, jointly hosted with the Inter Parliamentary Union, will be held at Hotel Africana in Kampala, starting on Wednesday 1st to Friday 3rd March 2017.
The Speaker said that she had tasked the Cabinet to identify the Minister charged with SDGs, who would present an annual report to the House, considering that there has never been any report on MDGs presented to Parliament.
UNDP’s Ms. Malango said that during the seminar, a self assessment toolkit for Parliaments on SDGs will be launched. The toolkit, developed by the Inter Parliamentary Union in collaboration with UNDP, will help parliaments assess whether they are properly equipped to advance the SDGs, and to come up with strategies to do so.
Effective institutions such as parliaments are instrumental for the appropriate management of natural resources, and human and economic development, thereby fostering tangible wealth for ordinary people – this is what SDGs are about,” said Ms. Malango.