Ofono Opondo the government spokesperson has spastically laughed at the Forum for Democratic party for its failure to scoop a slot in the recently conducted East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) elections.
“Iam honestly happy that FDC came out of the EALA elections emptyhanded and they are now leaking their own wounds.” Opondo stressed the point while appearing on the capital gang on Saturday 04th March.
He also added that FDC plays amateur politics of hostility and treachery as the reason as to why they lost since the party had elected one candidate and another group in the party fronted another candidate.
“FDC you have yourself to blame, NRM was willing to reduce the number of seats from six to five but you went against your own principals and therefore we had no reason to concede to FDC because it failed to coordinate.” Said Opondo.
Speaking about Parliament’s reply and conduct towards FDC’s Secretary for mobilization Ingrid Turinawe, Opondo added that there was nothing new in parliament since what was depicted is the very thing that Ingrid and the group does to big people like the president.
“Ingrid was not mistreated at all, that’s the conduct and style she has set for herself the party at large. Feast fighting, jeering and heckling is the FDC style, I am just happy your very own was also heckled”.
However, according to Mr. Godber Tumushabe a political analyst, said the mission in EALA is competing with other countries not FDC against NRM there by legislators are supposed to go to Arusha on merit and capacity to protect Uganda’s interests.