Though the ghetto president Bobi wine had decided to go silent on the issues around the demolition of his multimillion Beach in Busabala, he has finally responded the Mengo officials who are accusing him of acquiring some piece of his land illegally.
In his very own words, Bobi wine commonly known as the Mubanda Wa Kabaka said this as detailed below.
Many of my friends and relatives are calling me to console me about the destruction of One Love Beach by Officials from the Mengo Royal Treasury (Nkuluze). I had decided to keep quiet about this.
However, I saw an official from the same office on TV completely disregarding my legality of being there. Apart from the main venue of One Love beach by the lakeside that we had acquired and developed into a beach for more than a decade now; in 2010, I bought another piece of land from the same office which I paid for FULLY and developed into a modern parking lot that we have been using since then.
It should be noted that at the time of its purchase, that land was heavily occupied by Bibanja owners who I also paid/compensated FULLY and they vacated happily.
The demolitions and evictions that have been going on in Busabala were all tagged on my name yet they were being carried out by Mengo itself but they never came out to tell the public the truth, there by leaving me to face the hate of the people.
I said nothing about the issue but I guess people should now know the truth. The injustice that has been done to me is the least that I would expect from the kingdom that I LOVE SO MUCH.
I have invested all my youthful energy, earnings and time in this place that I had become so attached to. It is such a tough time for me and my family but like it has been said; “What doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger”,ekitatta muyima tekimala Nte…Naye wadde byona bigenze bwebityo,
Nsigadde ndi Kyagulanyi Ssentamu e’Magere,mutabani wa JW Ssentamu e’Kanoni ,muzukulu wa Yozefu Walakira e’Bubuule ela muzukulu wa Siteli Ssentamu e Kanabulemu.