As the Democratic Party prepares to review its 2016-2021 strategic plan, Ben Kiwanuka house is for Vision 2020 as announced by Norbert Mao DP’s President General.
The announcement was made during the weekly presser at DP headquarters Kampala where Mao notes that ‘’thinking is not our problem in DP and we have never lacked ideas, the only challenge we face is team work’’
Mr Norbert said, ‘’the Ben Kiwanuka house with cost about 7 billion shillings, we already have 250 million in cash and pledges among members and people of good will’’
I have done this before when I was the district chairperson of Guru and I constructed the district home in just three years.
However all those who are making noise are just hyenas who do not want to see us succeed
DP accounts are audited by the office of the auditor general and soon our financial report will be out, in contrary to what happened before since I never found such arrangement in DP before becoming the general secretary.
In a related media conference Mao said on Behalf on DP, we are to join the citizens who plan to open up a case against the bogus sim card registration.
All people who registered for the national IDs gave in their details including contacts, why does UCC give us these seven days, says Mao adding that I denounce that UCC directive.
There are some other forms of identification rather than national identity cards like pass ports and driving license