Former Ethics and integrity Minister Hon. Miria Matembe distanced herself from any political in Uganda referring to then as groups of self-centered individuals
“I don’t have any hope in the current political parties. They are all groups of self-centered individuals.” Matembe said.
Speaking during the NBS Frontline program, Matembe added that the level of corruption in this government is 100 folds more than when I was in government.
She also said that immoral character has killed our country and also responsible for the current famine that is restlessly claiming people allover the country.
“If we have continued to destroy our environment, how shall we fight famine? We’re busy saying agric. is where we get our food and sustainability. But how much are we investing in agriculture?” she asked.
Matembe further added that people who swallowed the 6 billion presidential handshake should efund the money not the head of state refunding it as earlier pledged.
“Parliament is superior than the executive in terms of power. They should be deciding where the president should meet them. President Museveni is always finding an excuse. I’m looking at a situation where he will solely accept his mistakes.”