Francis Mwijukye the member of parliament representing Buhweju has attacked president for protecting the government officials who received the 6 Billion Presidential handshake.
Speaking to the Insider, Mwijjukye added President Museveni should sell his cows if he wants to save the people who took the money but not picking money from the taxpayer’s money.
All over the weekend, Cissy Kagaba, the Executive Director of the Anti-Corruption Coalition Uganda (ACCU) said the president’s move is very ironical, adding that this is still abuse of the public’s money. She adds that the people who misguided the president should be held personally accountable for the mess.
The money was paid out as a token of appreciation to 42 public servants who aided Uganda to secure USD 400 million (1.4 trillion Shillings) in capital gains tax from Heritage oil’s sale of its stake to Tullow Oil in 2015. The payment, now referred to the presidential handshake attracted sharp criticism from the public, MPs and civil society among other sections of the public.
President Museveni has since told the Parliamentary Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authority and State Enterprises (COSASE) that the payout was a mistake that resulted from bad advice. He further directed that the money should be recovered from the presidential pledges and donations budget and returned to Uganda Revenue Authority.