When you have murdered someone how do you expect to be treated, says president Museveni while reacting to the reports in Media about torture of Kaweesi murder suspects who requested for transfer from Nalufenya to Luzira.
The parading of AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi murder suspects in court while in worrying status not only affected their friends, family and relatives but sprung up numerous debates and concerns form Human rights activists.
A case in point was today during the NBS daily talk show the Morning breeze where Simon Kaggwa Njala Hosted AIGP Asan Kasingye the police spokesperson and Livingstone Sewanyana the ED for Foundation for Human rights initiative.
Dr Sewanyana said we are about to find out why Nalufenya has turned into a safe house to torture suspects or criminals, adding that applying torture as way of extracting information is a crime against humanity.

“We have requested for a court order to interface with suspects and find out whether there is torture or not.” Ssewanyana said.
However Asan said we should stop blanket condemnation of police, we need to equally support police in fighting crime.
“I did not say we condone, I meant that every police officer behind torture is held responsible for a disciplinary action.” Kasingye said.
The human rights activist Mr Livingstone cautions the perpetrators of torture who are usually people with authority a reason why police is always in the limelight.
We shall investigate and confirm torture in Nalufenya and it will be Kasingye’s role to find out who the perpetrators are.