an 18 year old woman, a resident of Bukomasimbi in Masaka district has been sentenced to serve one and half years imprisonment at Luzira prison by the Kampala City Hall Court.
This incidence follows when she has pleaded guilty to giving false information to police regarding the murder of fallen AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi.
Nalubenga has told court that she gave this false information with an intention of getting the reward money which police had promised to give to any person with information that might lead to the arrest of the said murderers.
She accepted before Grade one magistrate Moses Nabende that on the 29th/April 2017 at Kyaliwajjala, she lied to D/ASP Sophy Neboshi that she saw and knew the killers of AIGP Kaweesi.
Magistrate Nabende said the said wrong information made D/ASP Neboshi to waste tax payer’s money while investigating it hence Nalubega deserves a deterrent sentence.