The Uganda Police has on Thursday set free the children who had been arrested alongside their Fathers who are suspects for murdering AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi.
We are not totally happy, our children have been released by police though our husbands are still detained said the mothers.
This decision follows the pressure sprung by the Human rights activists and some Muslim social media addicts.
It also raised up a huge negative criticism over the police segregation in branding Muslims as elements of terror worsened by arrests and torture of Murder suspects with their infant children.
The wives to the culprits are still demand a release of their husbands as well.
‘’We are not so happy, they have given us back our children and promised to pay for their school fees but we want their fathers to also be set free’’
However police commissioner Moses Binoga in charge of fighting child and human tracking says ‘’those children were rescued from the home with the intension of knowing who they are especially those who are not his biological children.’’