Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) and South Sudan National Bureau of Standards (SSNBS) entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on standardization and conformity assessment on 10th May 2017 at the UNBS headquarters, Bweyogerere.
The MoU was signed by Dr. Ben Manyindo, Executive Director Uganda National Bureau of Standards and, Dr. Mary Gordon Muortat, Executive Director South Sudan National Bureau of Standards who represented their countries respectively.
The signing of this MoU signals a commitment by the two standards bodies to work together on issues of standardization and conformity assessment (testing, certification and inspection), metrology, calibration and training.
”South Sudan National Bureau of Standards expects to learn from UNBS because they have been here for a while, they have the technical know how so we are ready to learn’’ Dr. Mary Gordon Muortat, Executive Director SSNBS
This co-operation and mutual interest aims to enhance and strengthen technical cooperation with the aim of exchanging necessary information and expertise between the parties within the framework of the East African Community. ‘We want cooperation from each side especially the technical lines. We are all party to the EAC and to supporting each other to grow the standardization agenda to be able to help the aspects of trade and consumer protection within the region.’ Dr. Ben Manyindo, Executive Director UNBS highlighted.
The Memorandum of Understanding foresees enhanced cooperation on a number of standards related topics, from harmonization of specified standards with international standards, mutual recognition of test results, quality marks, product verification, metrological assessment and calibration of the measure instruments; to research and cooperation