Kayunga district woman MP who doubles as the State Minister for Information and Communications Technology, Aidah Nantaba described fallen Tycoon Ivan Ssemwanga as a loving and hardworking man.
Speaking during the requiem Mass at Namirembe Cathedral on Monday 29th May, she added that Ssemwanga had contacted officials from the district where he wanted to construct a number of schools to help the needy but said this dream has now died.
“He always repatriated the money got abroad (in South Africa) back home to boost the economy back home,” Nantaba.
Nantaba also revealed that the country had lost a great pillar in the effort to attain the middle income status.
“He had a gold heart but we (Kayunga district officials) did not take it serous when he said he wanted to construct schools”.
According to his friends who spoke with sorrow in their faces, Ssemwanga was a mentor and uniting factor that always helped whoever was in problems including the needy.
Ssemwanga died last Thursday at Steve Biko Academic Hospital in Pretoria South Africa.