The Central Government is responsible for the current Buganda land board Company which is quite different from the initial BLB which was formed by an ACT of Parliament in 1962 say Male Kiwalabye the BLB Chairperson
While presenting the relevance of Kyapa Mungalo campaign Male said the land in question is Kabaka’s land which is only 5% of Buganda land making 350 acre of Mailo land.
We are subjects to the Kingdom and the King is the custodian of these 350 acres which are involved in the lease title drive, the King cannot steal what belongs to him
The rest of Buganda land which makes 95% is being occupied by the public and government in the 18 Buganda counties.
With the 1993 return of some Buganda Property and Land titles, the BLB had to change its status since we have no Federal rule any more we had to form a company instead since the Act governing BLB is none existing any more.
However Kiwalabye cautioned that the Kyapa Mungalo campaign will be ending by October 18, at 5:00 pm
He further adds that the lease title will be subjected to Automatic renewal after the indicated time elapses, this will require one to pay the exact amount paid earlier to retain the title.
Mr Kiwalabye affirms that all BLB titles are processed by the central Government Authority and the land titles commissioner takes no orders not even from the president
The Campaign of BLB involves advanced technology a reason we were able to survey over 20,000 people in less than one year, we do this at a cheaper cost a reason why one can get a Buziga Lease title at 2M rather than 10M.
Mailo Land cannot be changed to Freehold land, our land system was strategically designed using the British land system.
The owner of a lease title can easily Sub lease and even acquire a condominium title, Kiwalabye notes while wondering the Ignorance of some Baganda in the Diaspora who are meant to be more informed and civilised by keep asking Hypothetical questions.
On the same question Minister Ruth Nankabirwa said, ‘’ I already have a lease Title and just readily waiting to renew it