The Forum for Democratic Change former party President Rt. Col. Dr. Kiiza Besigye has called upon the party members to avoid inters witching party tendencies
Speaking during the 10th FDC National Council meeting held at the party Headquarters, Najjanankumbi, Entebbe Road in Wakiso District, Besigye pointed at the Minister for Kampala Hon. Betty Kamya who was recently joined the ruling party following the ministerial appointment..
“Betty Kamya used to be admired and followed by many, now her home is surrounded by military, the military is protecting her from people that admired and supported her. In 2001 hajji Sebagala was a darling to very many Ugandans, now tell me where is Sebaggala? Can he move on Kampala streets without security?” Besigye asked.
Besigye concluded with calling for unity support the people who carry their interests at the fore front citing that the dictator can only be defeated by a united team under the same ideology.
Ugandans follow people that carry their interests. It’s too bad Ugandans serve the leaders, leaders don’t serve Ugandans! You heard Mr. Museveni say he is not our servant and for once he was truthful? This is the time we regained our powers and country from the dictator.” Besigye said.