The Arua Municipality legislator Hon. Ibrahim Abiriga again reaffirmed his take on the famous Presidential age limit saga causing a lot of friction all over the country.
Speaking to the Media, Abiriga adds that president is the greatest patriot Uganda has ever had therefore, there should be nothing to block him from ruling because it’s the only reward Ugandans can give him.
He also added that Museveni can only be compared to angels not the local Ugandan politicians in either National Resistance Movement (NRM) of opposition.
Abirigia further says that scrapping of the age limit creates an opportunity to leave the country in the hands of mature and experienced leaders.
He rather spastically added a proverb, “I would rather be ruled by one lion than a million rats”.
The yellow stylist legislator is one of the team spearheading the scrapping of article 102 of the Uganda constitution something that has caused a lot of friction thought the entire country.
Early this week, the Justice and constitutional affairs Minster Hon. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire told the media that its fine for Ugandans to amend the constitution since it belongs to them, not his personal property or even a commandment from God.
However Several Ugandans including civil society organizations, Opposition and some ruling party officials have shown their dissatisfaction towards the move to scrap off the presidential age limit citing that it’s intended to block peaceful transition of power something that may soon become dangerous for the country.