The Kiira municipality legislator and Forum FOR Democratic Change (FDC) party spokesperson Hon. Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda has attacked the ruling party National Resistance Movement (NRM) members for betraying the country on the issue of presidential age limit.
Speaking while appearing on NBS Television Morning Show program ‘The Morning Breeze’, Ssemujju added that the age limit debate does not belong to the opposition only. It belongs to the whole country but NRM members are all in silence since they fear to lose their jobs.
“There is a fear in NRM members on talking about age limits. Most of them do not want to lose their jobs. Baryomunsi and many other NRM members are not sincere while discussing this issue on age limits.” Ssemujju said.
He added that President Museveni has to come out and tell the country about his mission behind the controversial move since his move seems to be personal.
“The question on age limits can be answered by one person and that is President Museveni. We’ve seen the president come back to power with most reasons being personal.” He added.
Ssemujju however further added that their mission as the opposition is to see that constitution is respected and Museveni leaves power though he also called upon the general public to join the struggle since the country belongs to Ugandan.
“Soon, we shall be announcing plans on how we can oust Museveni. Well if people decide so, then it shall be so however, if people still want to go on, then so shall it be. This country does not belong to the ruling party neither does it belong to the opposition. Hon. Semujju Nganda: Our work everyday as the opposition is to see Museveni out of power.” He concluded.
The issue of the presidential age limit amendment has sparked off a lot of friction from different people country wide including the opposition, Civil society organizations and some ruling party members who believe that article 102 of the Ugandan constitution should not be tempered with the upcoming constitutional amendment.