The State Minister of Lands Hon. Betty Amongi has called upon the general public to welcome the proposed Article 26 Land acquisition amendment 2017 citing that it’s derived to ease service delivery.
Speaking during the press conference held at Uganda Media Center on Tuesday 18th July, Amongi added the proposed amendment of article 26 of the 1995 Constitution will enable Government to take possession of or acquire property upon payment of the compensation awarded by the Government while any resolution of disputes to determine the additional amount claimed by the property owner is ongoing.
She added that this will curb delays in implementation of Government infrastructure thus investment projects will be completed on time.
The Bill is also expected to allow for persons dissatisfied with the compensation amount awarded to resolve the dispute in court.
All land owners and other stakeholders are therefore urged to support this Bill, which does not have any additional cost implications which will benefit the entire country as we strive to attain the middle income status as per the Uganda vision 2040.