Veteran Journalist Haruna Kanabi has expressed hidden intensions of government in compulsory land acquisition citing that the lands minister is simply sugar coating a bag cake to make it appear nice.
Speaking while appearing on BBS Telefayina talk show Amaaso kugwanga, Kanabi also noted that politicians and those in Government are disrespecting the constitution by forcefully grabbing private property, this is affecting the judicial process alongside denying equality since private land has been turned into public land but later on owned privately.
“The government has a tendency of amending the constitution whenever it finds hindrances into the fulfilment of its interests” says Kanabi.
According to the law, the government or local government shall deposit with court for the property owner or any person having an interest in or rights of property ownership the government shall take possession of the property pending determination.
Hon Betty Amongi the lands minister also articulates that the owner of property or person having interest shall have a right to access the compensation deposited.
She adds that this will curb delays in implementation of Government infrastructure thus investment projects will be completed on time.
The Bill is also expected to allow for persons dissatisfied with the compensation amount awarded to resolve the dispute in court.
All land owners and other stakeholders are therefore urged to support this Bill, which does not have any additional cost implications which will benefit the entire country as we strive to attain the middle income status as per the Uganda vision 2040.