My lords, I have read carefully and followed Keenly the now trending antic of changing dates of birth by some public servants to over stay in public offices!
The most *notorious* has been the utterance of president museveni yoweri kagutta recently when the church of Uganda purported to have a record of his baptism date, precisely as *1947* for which the president has now purported to be born!
Whereas some Ugandans have interpreted this as betrayal at least and double stabbing at best by the church of Uganda, matters were made worse when immediately after the records were submitted by the church, museveni gave a *shs. 50 million* cheque to st. Luke kikoni church of uganda in Ankole diocese, Rwampara county in Mbarara district, I will however not delve in to the same.
But my lords, at whatever scale of evaluation, even one of common sense, it can’t be that, the president remembers vividly every thing he did in *1947* he’s purported new date of birth when he was presuposedly less than a year old.
( refer to museveni’s autobiography, on utterances that he remembers every thing clearly that happened in *1947* and goes on to narrate them)
or at least if he truly does remember then I submit he was not in fact born in *1944* as he declared in his autobiography but was born earlier than 1944, this we shall prove not on a balance of probabilities but beyond reasonable doubt verbatim and seriatim later below, but for now, let’s start with evaluation of available facts.
- *The presidents marriage certificate with his known wife Janet kataaha*
This indicates that by there time of marriage on *25th. August. 1973* museveni was *27 years old* going by these statistics, he’s *71 years of age* today (2017) – *Not eligible to contest in 2021* - *The birth certificate of the known first son muhoozi kainerugaba* (son to hope Rweheru and kaguta yoweri museveni) son of kaguta the late.
According to muhoozi’s birth certificate issued on *24th. April. 1974* he’s father yoweri kaguta museveni is recorded to have been *30 years* at the time. Going by this, he is *73 years* of age today. (2017) – *not eligible to contest in 2021* - *Museveni’s own personal Auto- biography*
Museveni is quoted to have stated that: *”This is the most accurate account of events i have ever put on paper…”*According to museveni’s most accurate utterances, he States that: he was born on *15th. September. 1944* and baptised in *1947* Going by these statistics Museveni is today *73 years* – *Not eligible to contest in 2021* - *Museveni’s personal National Identification, I.D*
According to the above national identification document, and the national data base records, the president was born on *15th. September. 1944* - *The raise of Circumstantial evidence* ( Of the presidents true age and its twists )
Whereas the president and his protagonists seem to suggest now that there is a likelihood that their king maker was born in *1947* considering the new records of church
The new records of church in law can only be circumstantial evidence to affirm that Museveni was in fact born in *1944* as publicly known, this is in line with Museveni’s averments in his personal autobiography when he clearly declares that, he’s very certain he was born on *15th, September, 1944* and baptised in *1947*, the records of church only confirm his true baptism date but *NOT* date of birth.
My lords, the President’s conspiracy to amend his true age is factual and can not be over-emphasised. I pray u be persuaded by his statement in proof when he stated recently while at st Luke kikoni Archdeaconry in Ankole that: *” I thank God for the 70 years which is a long journey. I am still energetic at this age”*
My Lords, I pray that u take judicial notice that it was standard practice in the church of Uganda for children to be baptised only after they were old enough to recite the catechism for themselves.
This was usually after the age of 8 years. This practice continued till the late 70’s.
The late prelate who was bishop for western Uganda in 1947 at the time of Museveni’s Baptism notes that “the constitution of the Diocese of Uganda, ratified at the synod in 1917 allowed for the baptism of infants below 6 years of age –
(I) if both their parents had converted,
(II) if the mother only was a convert but the father agreed to the baptism of his children.
The constitution was clear that if a child was older than 6 years of age, they would have to undertake the catechism course”
Yoweri kaguta museveni himself in his own book states that he clearly remembers his own baptism which we are now told was in 1947 in what we know was ultra conservatist bahima/banyankole country!
What are the chances that he was baptised before the age of 8 years?
This would make Museveni at least *78 years* and his occupancy of the white house illegal and unconstitutional!
That is the science and twist of the unpopular presidential age debate.
*Things can turn a round in ways so unimaginable!*
Which ever perspective u chose my learned friends, it appears that the fountain of honour’s time has come to a dramatic end, the evidence is overwhelmingly self evident.
For God and my country.
The writer is a member of the *coalition for change* pressure group *(C4C)* and student of law at Uganda christian university – mukono.
By: Mutyaba Conrad.