A new staff overhaul is taking shape at Uganda National Roads Authority(UNRA), the Insider can exclusively reveal.
A highly placed source at the Roads’ Authority has intimated to us that UNRA’s Executive Director Ms. Allen Kagina has finalized plans to have a total of about 700 employees fired.
While there is no ultimate time set when the axe is going to fall, what is sure though and settled is that a special report containing the names of those to be fired has already been sent to President Museveni for appropriate consideration and subsequent approval.
In the report, Kagina is said to have highlighted that while there was a massive recruitment after the old regime was laid off, almost half of the new staff are incompetent to carry on the pettiest tasks of their job discriptions.
The source further says that Kagina is yet to table the same to the UNRA board headed by for minister of finance for General Duties Fred Jachan Omach, seeking for approval of the same.
According to an insider, Kagina’s decision to fire the staff who have barely spent two years in office is inclined to improving staff performance and clumping down on suspected corruption, incompetence rumor mongering and redundancy.
Earlier on after taking office in 2015, Kagina disbanded all the UNRA staff totaling to about 900 on allegations of corruption and incompetence. Those interested were required to reapply and subjected to new screening process before being taken on new employment terms. UNRA thereafter recruited about 1700 new employees in implementation of a new structure.
“While then she explained that the decision to fire the entire staff was in the board’s bid to make UNRA a fit for purpose Authority, an insider reveals that new staff at the Roads authority is painted with a worse bug of incompetence, under performance, blackmail, rumor mongering who have merely turned the authority into a fellowship center as smoke screen for performance,” our source revealed to us.
It is said that Kagina’s disappointment comes from the fact that even though the new employees passed through thorough interviews, they can hardly deliver required out puts in as far their job descriptions are concerned.
The source claims that the current affairs at the UNRA are not well at all in comparison to the previous regime. It is said that since the new team took charge at UNRA, there is no substantial progress of any new projects and while those which were ongoing have either stalled or progressing at a snail speed.
“There seems to be a highly qualified team at UNRA with a lot of incompetence. While they are remunerated well, the new staff have not demonstrated any level of competence in steering the authority forward and doing any better. They are instead full of fear and have turned the authority into a place of worship instead of a work place”, source intimated to us.
Our sources indicate that Kagina has already sought guidance and permission from President Musevni to have the 700 staff fired and new robust and competent ones recruited. It is however not yet clear whether the Head of State has given her a nod or not. WATCH THE SPACE!!