The Busiro Member of Parliament, Hon. Peter Ssematimba expressed his feelings towards the ongoing murder issues in his constituency.
He referred to the murder issues as despicable, awful, sad and un- Ugandan and looks forward to their end.
Speaking during the show, hon. Peter Ssematimba appreciates the way police is handling the issue in his constituency. He says that the police immediately responded to the call when the murders happened cooperating with the people in Katabi and deploying police officers in the area.
However, he condemns the public and media for constantly throwing tantrums at the police force and yet they are ignorant about the way the police works.
‘’It is easy at this time when the police is challenged to take advantage of the situation and say ugly things.’’ He says. Due to this behavior, he encourages the entire public to give the police force time because according to him, the murders are still going on. More still, he says that the entire public should work together with the police instead of pointing fingers and be hopeful that the current situation will come to an end since police has been successful in solving some murder issues before.
‘’Instead of making negative noise about the police force, we should work with it, have faith in it and let us point out its faults in a manner that builds and not tear it down or increase a sense of insecurity in the country.’’ He adds.
However, Hon. Sempala disagrees with hon. Peter Sematimba as he insists that police is no longer an independent body since it is controlled by the president and has been militarized. Much more, most of the people in police force are unprofessional since they have failed to work secretly and continue giving out information that is not classified. He shudders at the way IGP gen. Kale Kayihura has handled the situation by suggesting to involve prostitutes whose behavior is illegal to perform legal duties.