Kyadondo East legislator Hon. Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine has asked for a national referendum on the controversial presidential age limit removal from the constitution.
In a detailed letter dated 16th September directed to the Electoral Commission, Bobi Wine heighted article 1 of the Uganda constitution that states that ‘Power belongs to the people’, therefore creating need for all Ugandans to be consulted in a referendum.
A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
The lawmaker adds that some of the politicians have gone against the will of the people which can only be solved in a referendum exercise.
Bobi Wine added that, “Every Ugandan must be heard and that it would give an opportunity to the common person at all levels and in all corners of the country to reassert their sovereignty”
“This will enable us ascertain how many voters constitute the required one tenth in the respective districts to collect their signatures because it’s through a referendum that the local people can regain power to decide for their country on some issues that some elite cliques of Politicians have always wrongly fulfilled.” He added.
Section 11 of the Referendum and other Provisions Act, 2005 provides that the Electoral Commission shall cause a referendum to be held nationally if a petition is made in writing and is supported by at least one tenth of the total registered voters from at least one third of the districts of Uganda.
In this regard, Kyagulanyi has asked the Electoral Commission to avail him with copies of the National Register of Voters which the Commission is mandated to compile, maintain and update under section 18 of the Electoral Commission Act, Cap 140.
It should be remembered that the Justice Minister Hon. Kahinda Otaffire in July this year said that amending the constitution is not a problem since it’s mere book but not Commandments from God.
He added that the duty of Members of Parliament is to make laws and constitutions all over the world are subjected to amendments.