Hon. Odonga Otto has warned Members of Parliament, Hon. Ibrahim Abiriga and Minister Evelyn Anite about their effort to move the age limit removal motion.
Speaking to the press yesterday after the chaotic parliamentary session, Otto revealed that all opposition leaders are willing and will do anything within their powers to ensure that the motion is not tabled.
Otto added that the duo are are creating more strategies that will lead to their collapse and the collapse of the ‘Magyezi bill’.
Much more, he believes that the behavior of opposition members in parliament is not as harmful as the weapons that he believes were brought into parliament chambers.
Hon. Odonga Otto further argues that it is acceptable to sing during the National anthem in the parliamentary chambers and therefore sees no reason to be punished by the Speaker Hon. Rebecca Kadaga. ‘It’s not wrong to sing the national anthem.
“I have been suspended from Parliament before so this will not be the first time and I am very ready for anything.” He said.
Nonetheless he has advised His Excellence Museveni to rest and retire harmoniously because as opposition members, they vow not to let anyone die in power.
Tuesday’s plenary that involved exchange of fists, hitting each other with chairs and chanting the national anthem endlessly following the move to table the controversial age limit motion.