The Opinionated human rights activist and former Member of Parliament, Former ethics and Integrity minister Miria Matembe has condemned the Speaker of Parliament for letting the brutal actions that transpired in the parliament of Uganda to occur and also having accepted the Age limit motion get tabled in such an atmosphere.
Speaking while appearing on the NBS Frontline show, She regarded the speaker’s actions as betrayal to all women in the country.
Matembe also questioned the urgency about the age limit debate at that time after the speaker allowed such humiliation and torture to not just the opposition members of parliament but to the entire country.
‘It was a black day for Kadaga and women leaders in this country. I denounce what Kadaga did. She had the powers to sit in her chambers and tell government to use its powers.’ Matembe, a former Ethics minister, said.
She further responded to the NRM legislators who claim to have no fear of the courts of law because they have taken over them too.
She much still condemned the female legislators that she calls morally and spiritually bankrupt because they are being green about Museveni’s plans and are by blindly supporting uplifting of the age limit instead of using their positions to defend the constitution and rightfully represent the people that voted for them.
“This is a total sense of betrayal by women who backed the removal of the age presidential age limit. The age limit was a safety net in our Constitution to prevent violence and suffering,” Matembe said while addressing women caucus symposium organized by the Uganda Women’s Network.