The senior Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Matia Kasiaja is reported to have held a secret night long meeting with UPDF top Generals ahead of Age Limit debate last week.
The meeting took place in the Ministry’s boardroom at 7th floor in Kampala! Our highly placed sources have intimated to us that Generals from the Rank of Brigadiers and above started flocking the Finance Ministry at about 3.00am and that the meeting kicked off at exactly 4.15am and ended at 9.00am on Wednesday, hours just before the Parliament fiasco ensued.
By the time the ministry employees reported for work in the morning, the entire area was cut off with Military escorts of various Generals that attended the early morning meeting.
No other Minister or official was allowed in the meeting except Hon. Kasaija who is reported to have chaired the late Night meeting.
Mr. Keith Muhakinizi, the Ministy’s Permanent Secretary and Secretary to treasury is reported to be in Washington over World Bank related routine meetings. No details has so far emerged for to reveal what exactly was discussed but all fingers point at the age limit amendment debate.
Those who saw Kasaija emerge from the meeting with Generals revealed to us that the man from Bunyoro looked scared and was trembling like a leaf.
our insider source say that the said meeting must have been an appetizer as Generals were seen emerging from the lengthy meeting beaming with smiles and optimism!
Indeed that day, in a rare show Brig. Kasirye Gwanga appeared at Parliament in his trademark Farm attire while Katumba Wamala punched Zake into Coma during the plenary fracas.