The minister for Kampala Hon. Betty Kamya has rejected the allegations that she is the person evacuated the gun form the parliament Chambers last week.
Speaking to Journalists at Parliament this afternoon, Kamya denied being Minister Ronald Kibuule’s redeemer citing that people are just framing the information since they have no evidence for their allegation.
Kamya however asked the media houses that published those allegations to apologize or else she sues them for wrongly accusing her.
Kibule last week was accused by Opposition whip Semujju Nganda for entering the Parliamentary chambers on Tuesday 26th September which caused mayhem in the house between him and other pro-age limit legislators something that forced Speaker Kadaga to order the Sargent at arms to search all MPs in the house, but no gun was found.
The opposition MPs claimed in a scuffle that ensued, someone had snuck the out of the chambers a few hours later, Media Houses reported that it was Kampala Minister Beti Kamya who redeemed the embattled minister of from the mess by smuggling it out something she has strongly denied and condemned.