Justice and constitutional affairs Minister Hon. Kahinda Otafiire has appealed to the striking civil servants especially State Prosecutirs to be patriotic and resume work.
“I’m appealing to my fellow workers to go back to work and wait for the government payment structure. We’re all waiting to know the money government will be paying us. Let’s just be patient.”
Speaking to the media this afternoon, Kahinda said that Prosecutors aren’t the only government workers waiting for payment from govt, this matter has to be approached scientifically.
“Prosecutors aren’t the only government workers waiting for payment from govt, this matter has to be approached scientifically. We’ve seen medics strikes, lawyers, teachers, everybody in government service is jittery and they are right. But the way the economy is performing right now will remunerate the pay of government workers.”
Prosecutors are by default government lawyers in criminal cases but according to the current salary structure under DPP, the lowest ranking prosecutor (State prosecutor) earns a monthly gross pay of Shs644,963 whereas the highest ranking prosecutor at the rank of senior principal State attorney, gets a gross monthly pay of Shs2.1m.
These says it is unfair to them as they handle complicated cases like terrorism, corruption and murder.
However, according to their president David Baxter Bakibinga said no amount of words would sway them this time to abandon the strike as was done in July when they were promised that their grievances would be worked upon.
“This time we will not resume work without anything tangible done. We shall wait for them to consult as we go on with the strike. We will go back after government acting on our demands.”
In courts that visited, Magistrates adjourned the cases whereas many people were seen stranded outside courtrooms.
The prosecutors’ industrial action comes barely a month after judges also put down tools over pay but vowed to resume with their strike by December 11th if government fails to honour its promise.
1 Comment
If Otafiire was doing his job properly he would have resisted waste of public money by government funding silly things like the Age limit bill. This is an unwanted and unbudgeted expenditure which has a knock on effects on the police and hospital budgets, the former of which injures people for latter to treat, all because of this wretched thing that is going to tear us apart. And for what? One man’s ego!? I suggest Otafiire stops preaching about patriotism and starts acting like one. How much more money would there available to the citizens if the government stopped buying endless supplies of teargas? Sometimes I wonder whether these fellows are naturally stupid?talented fools or they are just getting old.