Minister of public service Hon. Muruli Mukasa has blasted government workers over misconduct and how they have continuously plotted to hold government at a ransom.
Speaking while addressing journalists at the Uganda Media Centre in Kampala on Friday, Muruli said that workers dissatisfied with their salaries to resign.
Mukasa noted that government is working by the clock to ensure the salaries for all its workers are increased but warned this would not come now but in the next financial year.
“If there are individuals who feel tired or don’t want to work for current salary structure, they are free to walk away.” Mukasa said.
He added that government is working on a masterplan that would see salaries for its workers are increased so as to cope with the increasing cost of living but warned that this goes in phases.
Early this week, prosecutors started an indefinite sit down strike over payment, a move that came on the backdrop of health workers who had also threatened to strike over similar issues.
In their complaints, prosecutors who resumed their sit down strike this week said their monthly earnings are not at the same level with their counterparts in other government agencies and institutions.
However government recently accepted to increase the salaries and benefits for judicial officers who were striking over low pay and salary discrepancies.