A total of 32 coaches successfully completed the FUFA Beginners’ coaching course that climaxed in Kabale on Friday.
The training that started on Monday at Kabale Municipal Stadium and Victoria Inn, saw 6 female coaches attend, the highest number for a coursing course authorized by the Western region Football Association Western Uganda so far.
Instructor Bashir Mutyaba conducted the course alongside Hajji Abbasi Sendyowa who took the referees through the FFA Laws of the Game.

FUFA Executive member Chris Kalibbala, who represented the FUFA President Eng. Moses Magogo at the official closing ceremony, thanked the participants for enduring the challenges during the course.
Kalibbala urged them to use the qualification as a means of helping to develop the young talents in their areas for the benefit of the National football teams.
‘A coach is like a teacher and therefore must have a systematic lesson or game plan and learn. You are supposed to program yourself for better results and management of your teams now’ said Kalibbala who was flanked by John Mutabrauka who is a member of the Uganda Football Coaches Association.
Kalibala further called on the female qualified coaches to start up a women football league for Kigezi region so as to have a team to qualify to play in the FUFA Women Elite league.
Kabale Municipal Sports officer Moses Tumwijukye who also attended the closing ceremony requested the participants to help FUFA minimize increased cases of organized football tournaments in the area by politicians, without going through the proper channels of football tournament arrangements.
The course was supported by FUFA, Western Region Football Association, Kabale District Football Association, Soccer2Unite and Kabale Municipal Council.
Here are the names of participants whose certificates will be printed. I will leave on Wednesday afternoon with them to Kabale.
1. Amanya Andrew
2. Katerega Muhamud
3. Kagwa Francis
4. Asiimwe Cleophas
5. Kikonyogo William
6. Akankwatsa Alison
7. Byamugisha Alex
8. Ronald Nsengimana
9. Akatwijuka Gilbert
10. Katushabe Lynate
11. Anguyo Denis
12. Amanya Stuart
13. Mabuye Safi
14. Ekyasimire Hilary
15. Mugisha Elisa
16. Lubega Abdul Shaban
17. Imamu Isaac Bumbuli
18. Asaba Gerald Ssendaula
19. Biryahwaho Robert
20. Nkwasibwe George
21. Mugabi Wycliff
22.Muhumuza Aston
23. Namara Antelo
24. Ochan Isaac
25. Kankera Monica
26. Kanyarutokye Moses
27. Nkamusiima Dianah
28. Arineitwe Patrick
29. Natuhwera promise
30. Muheesi Bazilio
31. Agaba Edwin
32.Bizimungu Pascal