The National Resistance movement secretariat wants parliament to stop the country wide age limit consultation.
Submission filled by the party deputy secretary General Richard Todwong reveals that the act endangers tax payer’s money.
Todwong told the committee of legal and parliamentary affairs that the issue of age limit was kicked in the early 90s after the constituent assembly after it was raised by John Kaboyo but was only sneaked in the constitution since the committee accepted that question to be left the people.
The amendment seeks to review article 102b of the Uganda constitution which provides for the presidential age limit.
1 Comment
It’s a bit late to start complaining about the waste of public funds. That is what everybody including MPs opposed to the bill were saying all along. But did you listen? No. Now that M7/NRM are staring staring defeat in the face, they want to make a hasty retreat. However there a three things M7/NRM have to bear in mind. Only parliament can stop these consultations, Not NRM secretariat. Secondly, what was previously conjecture is now a known fact. M7 wants to be the life president. The people have resoundingly said that they don’t want him. What does he do now. He is now known as a lame duck. The people now know that they actually have power. There is no telling for M7/NRM what they will do with this power that they now know that they have.