Hon. Raphael Magezi the brain behind the controversial age limit bill has vowed to fight hard to ensure that the bill passed into law.
Speaking to the Insider shortly after the joint consultative meeting held in Bushenyi district, the Igara West MP described those against the move as people without logic citing that bill is a good because it is looking at something that is fundamental for this country.
On giving his take about his feeling, the lawmaker said that he feels good that his bill is now popular countywide and has also won him massive recognition.
Magezi noted that though there sections of people opposed to the life presidency bid, he still insists that the bill has a lot of support therefore does not deserve to be withdrawn.
Magezi added that he can only withdraw the bill unless his voters reject it but the only challenge is that they want it scrapped there it will be difficult for him to go against the request of his voters.
According to Mr Magyezi, only people in urban areas are opposed to the constitutional amendment, but those on the countryside are entirely behind it.
“You may hear some noise in Kampala and in some municipalities, but on the ground, with the local people from the villages, they are simply saying Raphael go ahead; Gikwateko. It is a matter of time.”
He however climaxed emphasizing that the bill is not intended to hold president Museveni in power citing that it’s a bill for all Ugandans though he has a right as a Ugandan also to enjoy any privileges just like any other Ugandan.
1 Comment
If Magezi, as has been reported, refers to himself as a celebrity, God help his constituents and all of us. If he cannot differentiate between celebrity and notoriety, how can you expect him to understand the significance of the Constitution as a whole, let alone Article 102? It has been said before that little knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge at all. Magezi is a perfect example of this. His motive for pursing this bill is also becoming clearer. It is selfish because it not only gives him some recognition but also allows him to claim more money and security for himself. Surely logic would dictate that he doesn’t need added security if the bill was so popular. In fact he wouldn’t need to be center stage. Popular things, once introduced take on a life and momentum of their own. Not so with this bill. I hope Magezi has a low life expectancy for himself. Otherwise he will be forced to endure a long life of hatred and ridicule long after M7 has gone to meet his maker.