As its always said that music never grows old, Afigo’s magical performance left revelers wanting more as the Unplugged Season 2 went down at Liquid slik Naalya.
Its on record that when these series were unveiled by Bebe Cool at Liquid Silk Nalya recently, all we knew was that this is an emergence of Must attend plots in the city.
Last night, the aristocratic Liquid Silk Nalya was filled to capacity yet again, by a great audience that danced, sang and rhymed along to the legendary Afrigo band as they did their thing.
The band was led by Moses Matovu, Joanita Kawalya, Eddie Yawe and Racheal Magola who has been keeping a low profile.
In a show of support and love for oldies, the nostalgic crowd joined the Obangayina singer in frenzied chorus as they sang word for word to the 90s hit and danced themselves wild.
It wasn’t difficult to understand why Afrigo remains Uganda’s No 1 band and continues to appeal to a faithful crowd.
From Bebecool, to Afrigo, Unplugged is moving from one level to yet another with every showcase. In fact next Wednesday the show will be graced by the King herself, Cindy Sanyu. And you very well know what to expect when she takes the stage. So be ready for nothing less than an energetic performance.