Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has described the Minister for Kampala Hon. Betty Olive Kamya as an undisciplined and big headed leader.
Speaking during the press conference held at city hall early this morning, the celebrated layer added that it’s a dismay to find that some leaders don’t respect decision passed by institutions they work with.
This statement follows Kamya’s act of ferrying council councilors to the National Leadership institute in Kyangwanzi where allegations of popularizing the controversial age limit are said to take place.
Lukwago however dismissed claims that some opposition councilors from KCCA are part of the event.
Lukwago says that among councilors under his command, only eight went for the Kyankwanzi training, all of whom are affiliated to the NRM yet the entire KCCA has about 230 councillors (including those at the divisions), hence the number at Kyankwanzi at the moment is about 218 according to reliable sources. This means that Beti Kamya bypassed the resolution by the council.
These councilors during the time of departure, gathered at the office of the President in where they boarded buses from.
Lord Mayor and councilors had earlier trashed Kamya’s request begging for shs 120m from Kampala Capital City Authority Jenipher Musisi to facilitate this training which was postponed from 12th November to today due to logistical issues till when the Man with the Vision slapped Kamya with bulky notes amounting to about shs. 300m.
It should be noted that the city lord mayor Erias Lukwago and authority councilors in the last council meeting resolved to distance themselves from Kyakwanzi trip claiming its intended to brainwash and hood wink them into supporting the proposed lifting of age limit for presidential candidates.