The director of Media Center Ofwono Opondo, shocked a hundreds of Ugandans when run for a photo moment with Dr. Ekwaru Obuku of the Uganda Media Association an umbrella for doctors that have been on strike for about a Month.
The doctors who decided to suspend their strike for the sake of helping Ugandans received a lot of support from the public since most of the health services had shrunken.
It should be remembered that recently the same man Ofwono Opondo accused the Doctors on strike for being fueled by opposition’s Kiiza Besigye.
Ofwono described them as unjust people who are preaching politics in disguise of taking industrial action something that earned a lot of criticism.
The medical workers put down their tools over government’s failure to settle their grievances related to poor conditions of living.
This break has been pushed till 16th December in order to give the state room to settle their gripes.