Dr. Stella Nyanzi has called upon all Ugandans to fight against the NRM legislators that voted in support of the age limit removal.

According to Nyanzi, she believes that the opposition legislators have played their role and it is now time for Ugandan citizens to gather and use their tools and fight the people who supported the age limit removal. She referred to them as rapist forming a rapist regime.
“Now is the time for all of us opposed to the rapist regime to summon our reserves of strength and double up our efforts. Rather than wither with despair, now is the time to engage higher gears of our contestation against all forms of bad governance,” she said.
Nyanzi added that it is useless to watch the constitution being amended since it affects all citizens. She believes that the amendment is going to give Museveni more power to destroy all state organs something which according to her can only be fought by joining hands as Ugandans to fight him.
“Considering that the enemy has elongated his years of gang raping our country, we must make it difficult for the abuse of state power to just happen. Starting last night, we must resist harder,” Nyanzi pleaded.
Much more, she adds that all constituencies whose MPs voted in favor of the amendment should hold them accountable for their betraying actions since as citizens, the country belongs to them and not the legislators.
“Uganda belongs to all of us who choose Ugandanness. Nobody should be allowed to make us ashamed of our country. Nobody should get away with misruling Ugandans in our homeland. Since they choose to force themselves on us, we must make them accountable to us for everything they do,” she said.
Nyanzi has however warned the lawmakers and Museveni about their actions claiming that she will make them pay for all the pain that they have caused the citizens of Uganda.