The minister of Trade and Investment Hon. Amelia Kyambadde was also showered with another special Christmas disappointment as residents booed her over age limit.
This was at the annual football event where the Mawokota North lawmaker had come to officiate the ceremony but it was surprising that when she was invited to make her remarks, residents who had shortly been excited and chanting turned bitter and booed her as many deserted the venue in protest.
They accuse Amelia for misrepresenting them during the recent age limit voting in Parliament where the Minister voted in support of the motion that residents had rejected in black and white.
Amelia’s gifts including balls, jerseys were also rejected something that forced her swallow the bitter pin after she was denied attention.
It should be noted that other ruling party big wings have also been mercilessly been booed over the same saga.
On 23rd December, As it has always been said that power belongs to the people, doubled with the famous saying of everyman for himself and God for us, Kabale woman Member of Parliament Catherine Atwakire Ndamira faced her worst Christmas gift as angry youths in her constituency expressed their anger for representing State House instead of their issues.
The Lawmaker who had gone to attend a wedding ceremony of Alex Owamani, the former Kabale district male Youth counselor at Kirigime Guest House was forced to leave the event in unweighable shame after the attendees kept interrupting her speech, saying she betrayed them.
“Don’t even speak to us, Who told you to amend our constitution, Do you represent State House in Parliament or the People?” Angry residents interrupted her speech till when she gave up.
On Christmas day at the Rubaga Catholic Cathedral, Vice President H.E Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi was also booed amidst hundreds of believers after he was called by Archbishop Kizito Lwanga to greet people and also explain why they amended the constitution.