Government spokesperson Ofwono Opondo has implored religious leaders to stay away from politics and do the work of Lord.
Speaking on Thursday night, Ofwono noted that the Men of God cannot do everything thereby tasking them to either join politics or they peacefully do Church work.
He also noted that that if they feel that lawmakers are not good enough, they have a right to battle them in the next election.
“If church leaders think MPs are not good, let them keep their MPs until election time, or they should take it on to contest. We shall test the popularity of what they stand for.”Ofwono said.
This statement follows the recent criticism raised by different religious leaders over the constitutional amendment that crapped off term limits and adjusted the political terms of office from 5 to 7 years.
It should be noted that Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga during this year’s Christmas service at Rubaga Cathedral, tasked the Vice President Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi to tell his boss to stop camouflaging because of simple issues.
Lwanga said that President Museveni needs to go back to the one they used to know, that one who respected the will of the people and constitutionalism.
“We request you to convey our best wishes to the president and remind him that we shouldn’t go back to the past. The preamble of the constitution is very good.” Lwanga said.
Archbishop also urged all Members of Parliament to always read it before doing anything else since the country will end up in a mess if they continue passing resolutions without considering their impacts.
Lwanga condemned that the amendments, which opens the way for those aged 18 years and above to contest for the presidency, were not done in good faith.
He added that the nationwide consultations were done but there are still feelings of betrayal from the voters by their members of parliament.
He said it is unfortunate that Members of Parliament didn’t listen to advice from religious leaders and elders who requested them not to amend the Constitution.
Is Opondo’s default setting stupidity??? One of the central points, if not actually the central point of MPs is to represent and reflect the diverse views of their constituents. How else would they know what the people are thinking or want done if they do not listen to these same said people? Is he implicitly saying that once you become a man of the cloth you cease to be a citizen and that therefore your views are irrelevant? I think he needs to pause, put his mind in gear before he makes such ludicrous pronouncements. It ill behoves a man who is supposed to be the Government Spokesman to come up with such drivel.
Is Opondo’s default setting stupidity??? One of the central points, if not actually the central point of MPs is to represent and reflect the diverse views of their constituents. How else would they know what the people are thinking or want done if they do not listen to these same said people? Is he implicitly saying that once you become a man of the cloth you cease to be a citizen and that therefore your views are irrelevant? I think he needs to pause, put his mind in gear before he makes such ludicrous pronouncements. It ill behoves a man who is supposed to be the Government Spokesman to come up with such drivel.