The Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs General Kahinda Otafire has called upon the IGP Kale Kayihura and the Minister for Security Henry Tumukunde to seat and settle their issues amicably. Otafiire blames them for putting their personal fights in the eyes of the public
While speaking at the Parliamentary committee meeting of human rights where he was summoned in regard to the budget estimates for the financial year 2017-2018, Otafiire noted that the differences between the top chiefs have tarnished the image of security in the country and should hence forth be solved.
The security tension within the forces that has led to arrest of the top officials is assumed to be as a result of the hatred between the two top generals.
“I have heard of the differences between Tumukunde and Kayihura. It is very unfortunate that they have brought their differences to the open. They should sit down and amicably solve these differences,” advised Otafiire.

Otafire pointed out that when he used to have issues with the former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, he didn’t run to the media.
“I used to have a lot of differences with my brother Mbabazi but for us we were civilized. We did not fight in public like the two,” confessed Otafiire.
The Minister further noted that the differences between two individuals will not jeopardize the security of the nation.