Hon. Jacqueline Amongin, (NRM, Ngora), the Leader of Uganda’s delegation to the Pan African Parliament has declared her interest to contest for the position of Vice Chairperson Eastern Region in an election slated for May 2018.
Amongin revealed this during the Uganda PAP delegation courtesy call on the Speaker, Rebecca Kadaga in her office on Tuesday, 27th February 2018.
“As Uganda, we would like to have a position on the Bureau. I will be standing for the position of Vice Chairperson. I seek your blessing and support as we start the lobbying ahead of the May campaigns,” she said.
Amongin also informed the Speaker that Uganda is among the countries that have not yet ratified the Malabo Protocol of 2015, saying that, the President had promised to engage the technical persons in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to prepare the documents for his signature.
The Protocol sought to extend the jurisdiction of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights (ACJHR) to crimes under international law and transnational crimes.
Hon. Okot Ogong (NRM, Dokolo) informed the Speaker that, the PAP team was looking at undertaking an outreach programme to educate the public about the duties of PAP and what is expected of the Members.
“We would like to enlighten our publics here in Uganda about the work we do in PAP, and what African Union (AU) is all about. We would like feedback from them so as to improve our work,” he said.
The team informed the Speaker that PAP is not treated like other Parliament committees and other bodies yet its sittings are known. “We have four sittings and two AU meetings which can be budgeted for in advance,” he said.
“We request to have a vote like other committees and other bodies. This will help us do our work well since we have planned programmes. We request that we have a spelt out budget so that we don’t have any shortfalls,” Amongin said.
The delegation also requested for a PAP Secretariat to help coordinate their work within Uganda and visits from foreign delegations.
The Speaker promised to forward their request to the Parliamentary Commission.