Following the apology of Bugangaizi East MP Onesmus Twinanasiko over the comments he recently uttered on a television talk show where he appeared to justify wife battering and domestic violence, unrealistic developments have emerged.
This has re-steamed with a section of lawmakers rejecting his apology on grounds that it was not justifiable and not clear apology.
it should be noted that while tabling his apology in the House on Wedsneday afternoon, Twinemasiko stoked fresh controversy when he said that he meant a different kind of beating not the actual beating.
The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga who is away in New York, USA attending a conference on the advancement of women, directed the committee on rules, discipline and privileges to study the MP’s comments with a view to seeing whether he could face disciplinary action.
During the Women’s Day celebrations in Mityana district, the president said men who batter their wives were imbeciles who don’t deserve to live among fellow human beings.
According to a statement from police spokesperson Emilian Kayima, said that it would be very unfortunate, unforgivable since what the lawmaker said is promoting is unacceptable as it facilities crime: assault (Penal Code Act), domestic violence (Domestic Violence Act 2010) and others.