The National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) has this morning partnered with the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) in bid to boost agriculture.
Speaking during the signing the MoU at Uganda Media Center, it was noted that as a Regional Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Research in Sub-Saharan Africa, NARO is cognizant of the fact that for Uganda to attain Middle Income status, smart agricultural practices will have to be prioritized for adoption. This is what will move the 69% subsistence farmers to the cash economy.
In his remarks, the NARO Director General Dr. Ambrose Agona noted that over the years, NARO had generated over 1000 agricultural technologies and ground breaking agricultural research interventions that have stayed disasters like widespread famine resultant from emerging pests, diseases and climate change.
“Despite being hit by different epidemics like the Cassava Mosaic disease, Coffee Stock Borer, Banana Bacterial Wilt, the Fall Army worm to mention but a few, Ugandan farmers have always had enough grain and seed for self and even aid to other countries in some instances.” Agona said.
He further explained that this was because at the heart of that experience, NARO scientists’ have ensured that there are stress tolerant seed and breed varieties available for different ecological zones in addition to recommendation of Pest and Disease management packages.
It is worth noting that only last year 2017, NARO scientists concluded tests of 2 candidate tick vaccines for cattle in the region that could save the country billions of shillings in foreign exchange spent on importation of vaccines, once mass production is undertaken.
The Managing Director UBC, Mr. Winston Agaba welcomed the initiative by NARO and commended them for adhering to the President’s call to Ministries, Departments and Agencies to communicate developments and progress being undertaken by the government of Uganda.
He said, “NARO is the first agency to utilize the National Broadcaster as it ought to be utilized and I encourage other agencies to take advantage of the program revamp that is ongoing at the National Broadcaster. The weekly episodes will air starting May 13th, 2018 over the weekends when everyone is able to watch, learn and practice what they will have learnt.”
It should be noted that UBC is a pioneer station that has had an undisputed edge in the market with ability to reach our existing and potential clientele in 16 different languages across the country through its various platforms. It is through this partnership that NARO will permeate society and create awareness on modern agricultural practices translating into agricultural productivity and profitability.