The ruling party SG Justin Kasule Lumumba has said that embattled lawmaker Hon. Igeme Nabeeta will go back to parliament at all costs.
Speaking to Journalists at Media Center early this morning, Lumumba noted that the ruling party’s victory was rigged by the opposition.
Lumumba added that the matter is already in court and soon the date will set for opposition’s Paul Mwiru to explain the electoral malpractice and voter intimidation waged against her people.
Mwiru recently defeated NRM in the Jinja East by-election that brought the entire opposition parties in one house.
1 Comment
Does “At all costs” mean whether legal or extrajudicial? What Lumumba does not seem to appreciate is that the dangerous and insidious message she is passing on to the younger generation is that,”If you don’t like it or don’tbagree with it, even if it is the will of the people, you are within your rights to use any means necessary, legaL or otherwise”. Is such language befitting of a so called leader who I am sure has at some point espoused the virtues of The Rule of Law? With such people in power, it’s little wonder that Uganda is going backwards in real terms.