Kapchorwa District leadership has expressed dissatisfaction with the pace at which the construction of the High Altitude Training Facility in Kapchorwa is moving, a year after it started. This was raised during a field visit to the facility, by the Parliament Committee on Government Assurances and Implementation.
In 2012, President Yoweri Museveni pledged to have the facility constructed within a year to enable long-distance runners to train especially those from within the region.
The LCV Chairperson of Kapchorwa District, Christopher Chepkurui, said that the First lady had travelled to the district earlier to lay the foundation stone for the High Altitude Training Facility but had not reached the site because of unbearable road conditions.
“We were promised this facility a while ago, and we were excited because we wanted our children to train here. This, however has been hampered by the bad roads which make access for trucks carrying materials very difficult,” he said.
Alex Chesimo, the district coordinator also raised a complaint about the theft of cement and other construction materials from the construction site.
“We need to find out what exactly is happening at the site because one of the reasons that could be delaying construction is because the contractors are selling off the materials – we need security,” he said.
Xuh Yong Lee, the Site Manager from Complant Construction Company said that the continuous rainfall throughout the year also hampers construction progress.
“Every time it rains, we cannot proceed with our work because some of the materials are spoilt and the structure is supposed to set under the sun,” he said, further adding that, “we also get materials from as far as Iganga because they are the only ones that meet the required standards”.
Hon. Hassan Fungaroo Kaps (FDC, Obongi) the Chairperson of the Committee told the leadership of the district to be tough when following up on the presidential pledges.
“This region has produced great people and athletes who have won medals for the country so it is only fair that the pledges made to you are fulfilled. I urge you to be tough and assertive when making demands for these pledges,” he said.
Hon. Simon Oyet (FDC, Nwoya) expressed concern with the issue of employing the local citizens and urged the construction company to make sure they employ them.
“As we go on to follow up on these issues, I urge the company to employ more people from the area. The leadership should be vigilant and push for their demands through the right channels,” he said.
Col. Flavia Byekwaso (UPDF) advised the leaders to take the initiative to ensure that they fight the vice and curb both the theft of cement, and other injustices around the site.
The leadership also noted that since 1986, the President pledged to construct the Kapchorwa-Kween-Bukwo road but up to now nothing has been done.