Street vendors under the Twegatte Vendors and Hawkers Development Association have petitioned the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, over what they called continued mistreatment by Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).
The Spokesperson of the Association, Uwineza Kalera said that they are unhappy with the way KCCA arrests, manhandles and destroys property of street vendors and hawkers.
“Our people are beaten and their property destroyed by KCCA and the Police during their clamp down on street vendors. To make matters worse, most of these people who are arrested are languishing in Luzira Prison,” Uwineza said.
He added that they were also concerned about the poor hygiene in the city citing inadequate public toilets, poor garbage collection and drainage.
“KCCA has failed to provide facilities for street vendors and Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) living within the city through making provisions for them in all the buildings,” Uwineza added.
He asked Parliament to look into their concerns when considering the budget of the Authority.
The Speaker promised to constitute a committee to look into their greviances.
“We will have to scrutinize how KCCA operates as we find a solution to your problems,,” Kadaga said.
The Speaker promised that the committee would invite the vendors to discuss their issues before the budget of KCCA is considered in the next financial year.