A fully packed Anti-Corruption court was shocked on May 7th 2018 when the suspended Minister Herbert Kabafunzaki’s aide and co accused took a plea bargain exonerating the embattled politician.
Mr. Brian Mugabo, in a letter written to the Director of Public Prosecution and Anti-Corruption court, overtly stated that he is the one who asked the alleged bribe money from AYA Group Chairman, Hammid Mohamed.
“I wish to sincerely apologize for asking for money and receiving the same from Aya. I thought I would make quick money out of Aya but my actions have landed me into problems and I regret. I wish to take personal responsibility and avoid wasting court’s time,” Mr Mugabo’s letter sent through his lawyer Ochieng Evans said.
Mugabo admitted that he didn’t pick the money on behalf any person and in this case the suspended minister.
“I had earlier pleaded guilty but when I read the charges again, I changed because it was saying I had asked for the money on behalf of others yet I had asked for the money on my own and had it myself which I regret,” he added.
Also the video footage from Serena Hotel Kampala where the alleged crime was committed, only shows how Mugabo received and hid the money and there is nowhere the minister was seen receiving the minister was seen receiving money from Hammid.
Last week CMI arrested the main man, Lt. Kagina who commanded the arrest of Kabafunzakiki on April 8th 2017, only 20 days after the assassination of former AIGP Felix Kaweesi.
President Museveni’s statement at Kaweesi’s vigil that criminals had infiltrated police abetting crime and the picking of the soil from the scene by former IGP Kale Kayihura’s aide, ACP Baroza were hot topics in the country at the moment.
CMI investigators believe that Kyihura and his men wanted something to quickly and significantly withdraw people’s attention from matters denting the image of police.
The sexual harassment case against the wealthy AYA boss had already been swallowed by Kaweesi murder. However Kayihura’s men including Lt. Kagina, formerly of the SFC, saw great opportunity since then Labor minister, Kabafunzaki had put himself at the forefront of the sexual harassment case.
Mugabo, the minister’s constituency mobilizer was reportedly contacted for the job through a detective at Kampala CPS who has ever handled cases against him.
Aware that Kabafunzaki was taking his daughter for lunch at Serena Hotel, Mugabo informed his accomplishes to move quickly to the posh hotel.
The CCTV footage with the CMI shows how Mugabo descended from up to the restaurant on the ground floor and struggled to return with Kabafunzaki up where Hamid was already seated and waiting for them. Meanwhile Lt. Kagina, his team and the media were already at Serena.
It has also been established that Hammid made his statement at CPS on April 10th 2018, two days after the arrest, making police the complainant in the case and at the same time the investigator. Police had a complaint already in the morning of April 8th 2018, hours before the arrest of Kabafunzaki but it wasn’t made by Hammid.
Hammid, already with several cases including human trafficking lodged by Indian High Commission in Uganda, became susceptible to the plot by police to trap a whole minister to hoodwink the public from Kaweesi murder issues. This website has seen copies of 5 letters from Indian High Commission to police, Foreign Affairs and Finance Ministries.
Kagina is also being investigated for extortion among others. Meanwhile Mugabo already has multiple cases at Buganda Road Court related to forgeries including of United States passports and visas.