A section of people in Teso are currently living like birds after floods ravaged the sub region leaving many homeless and displaced, according to MPs.
While presenting their plight before the media at Parliament on Thursday, Teso MPs led by Teso Parliamentary Group chairperson Patrick Okabe (Serere County) expressed dissatisfaction following government’s slow response to provide necessary support to the victims.
“People in Teso have no place to dry their foods. Most roads have been totally cut off and it is even worse in Katakwi district. We are asking for immediate interventions so that government can provide tents for people to dry their foods. Our people also need immediate supply of foods and for those whose homes have collapsed used be given iron sheets,” Okabe said.
David Abala, Ngora County MP confirmed that currently 5 people have died due to floods that started in April this year.
“There is nothing coming from the Office of the Prime Minister despite several letters that we have written to the Prime Minister. Government is operating in a lukewarm manner. People are sleeping like birds as if there is no ministry in charge of disaster,” Abala said.
Kumi Municipality MP Silas Aogon appealed to government to act as ‘flying squad’ and rescue the people of Teso who have time and again been entangled in a vicious cycle of continued disaster.

Toroma County MP Andrew Koluo whose constituency is the most ravaged by floods said that the waters have devastated most roads among them include; Amusia, Gweri, Palam, Kapujan, Ongongoja, Magoro, Angodingod and others. Koluo was last week in Toroma where he witnessed how floods have cut off the roads in the area.
“My appeal to government is provide tents to the people to harvest their crops and in terms of transport, I appeal to government to provide boats so that people are able to connect from one place to another,” Koluo said.
The MPs expressed dissatisfaction with state minister for Disaster Preparedness, Musa Ecweru who also hails from Teso, for ignoring the plight of his people.