Socialite Judith Heard says that her husband cannot leave her over her nude photos that were recently circulating on social media.
Judith Heard has trashed all the rumors that have been circulating that her husband Dr. Heard was planning to divorce her after the release of her nudes.
According to Judith Heard, she says that Dr. Heard like any other man had to be angry at the sight of his wife’s nude pictures on display. However, he only advised her to use the phone for its purpose and never talked about divorce as media platforms are claiming.
.”He only told me that phones are for texting and making calls and therefore I should not use them for taking nudes,” he advised her.
Much more, Judith Heard claims that Dr. Heard understood the fact that those were old photos and therefore did not make a big deal out of if.
“He saw and understood that they were old photos and therefore could not leave me just because of my past. He actually came to New York to visit me,” said Judith Heard.
Much more, Judith Heard said that the public should not come into conclusions just because she does not display him on all social media sites. According to her, she says that her husband hates publicity and that is why she does not post him.
“I am still married. Dr. Heard is still in the picture and hates the public eye even if I am so much into showbiz,” she said.
Judith Heard also added that she is too beautiful and a mother of twins that no man in his right senses would abandon a woman like her.
This comes after the popular socialite’s nudes made rounds on wall social media platforms and were greatly talked about.