After the successful record registered in the Local Council Elections, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) has now embarked on the mobilisation of voters in the newly created Municipalities ahead of the polls fixed on July 27.
Different members of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) and the Senior Secretariat team have already touched base in different Municipalities.
The Secretary General Rt. Hon. Justine Kasule Lumumba was this Monday in Kotido Municipality where she addressed over 700 party leaders at Good Shepherd Hall. She preached against internal bickering within the Party membership warning that it was NRM’s biggest challenge at a moment.
She called on the Party leadership in Kotido to jointly support the Flag Bearers; Hon Lokii Peter and Ismail Lomwara contesting for Parliament and Municipal Mayor respectively. From Kotido SG Lumumba travels to Bugiri district on Wednesday for a similar exercise.
Elsewhere, the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda camps in Sheema where he is scheduled to reconcile different rivaling factions this Tuesday at the Municipal Ground as Hon Capt. Mike Mukula goes to Njeru Municipality the sane day. He will hold his first meeting at ‘The Nile River Bend Resort’.
Deputy SG Hon Richard Todwong is in Nebbi Municipality and he will hold separate conferences in the three Divisions of Thatha, Abindu and Central between Wednesday and Friday. The Deputy National Treasurer Dr. Kenneth Omona is in Apac while CEC member Hon James Tweheyo camps in Ibanda.
National Treasurer Hon Rose Namayanja remains in charge of the day to day operations at the Secretariat Headquarters as the rest move into the field to canvass support for the Flag Bearers.