The MP Bukooli Central and V/Chairperson NRM caucus, Hon. Silwany Solomon has been chased out of the Naluwerere polling station where the JEMA candidate Asuman Basalrwa was expected to cast his vote from.
According to voters, t is alleged that Hon. Silwany wanted to distribute money to the voters so as to bribe them to vote for the NRM candidate. However, the angry voters chased him away with loud insults until he disappeared from the scene.
Nonetheless, Silwany removed pepper spray and sprayed at the angry voters to disperse them and also removed the gun to threaten the vigilant voters.
However, Hon. Centenary, a victim of pepper spray by Vice Chairperson of the NRM caucus Hon. Silwany praised the voters for being very vigilant and protective of their votes.
Much more, he condemns the lawmaker for having pepper spray that is meant for police officers.
“I did not know that MPS have pepper spray. That s supposed to be owned by police officers but was shocked and disappointed to see my colleague having it,” he narrated.
After the incident, military officers took over the place because they claimed that police was not dong its duty as expected.