Minister for Security, Gen Elly Tumwine has issued strict guidelines for movement of livestock during prevailing quarantine restrictions.
Recently, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries issued clear guidelines on controlling animal movement during quarantine restrictions. As a way of further strengthening the said guidelines, Minister Tumwine has issued strict guidelines that among others includes; banning movement of livestock at night and ensuring that all vehicles transporting animals from one place to another must stop at every animal or police check point along the route for checking and verification of documents.
“Any transporter who fails to stop at the said check points commits an offence and will be liable for prosecution,” Tumwine said in his letter dated August 27.
Furthermore, no District Veterinary Officer (DVO) shall issue an animal movement permit without the transporter producing a “letter of ownership” from the LC1 of the area verified by the parish chief and area officer in charge of the police and duly signed and stamped.
“All DVOS must indicate on the movement permit issues the registration number of the vehicle carrying the animals. Any permit issued without this will be deemed a forgery and the issuing officer will be subject to prosecution,” he said.
Tumwine has ordered all Resident District Commissioners (RDCs), LCV chairpersons and Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) to ensure maximum compliance to the guidelines.