Members of Parliament have raised concern over the continued high power tariffs and low supply despite findings that the country produces excess power.
This was raised after the report of the Auditor General for Financial Year 2014/2015 for the Energy sector indicating that there is excess power generation.
The report that was presented by the Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee-Central Government, Hon Angelline Osegge during plenary on Tuesday, 11 September 2018 further observed that government continues to pay for this excess power generated through tariffs and government subsidies.
“Ugandans continue to bear the brunt of high power tariffs due to these unfair contractual arrangements,” said Osegge.
The committee recommended that government should re-negotiate running contracts with power suppliers with a view to lowering the tariffs and connection fees and thereby enhancing consumption.
Hon. Eric Musana (NRM, Buyaga County) said government should extend the excess power to sub counties which do not have electricity.
“Government keeps saying we have abundant electricity and yet the tariffs are still high but some areas do not have power. Ugandans should be able to consume this electricity cheaply,” said Musana.
Hon. Elizabeth Karungi (NRM, Kanungu) urged government to take advantage of the excess power and ensure sufficient supply to areas which have factories.
“Kanungu experiences constant power outages and yet the district has a lot of factories. We need to stop factories from making losses by ensuring constant supply of power,” said Karungi.
Hon. Rose Ayaka Atima (NRM, Maracha) pointed out that the low supply of power in West Nile continues to impact negatively on maternal health.
“Mothers who give birth in health centers in the night have to improvise due to low power supply,” said Atima.
The State Minister of Energy, Hon Simon D’ujanga said government is constructing a second power station on River Nyagak which will increase power supply to West Nile.
“What is going to save the people of West Nile is the extension to the main grid for which I am grateful this parliament approved the loan and we are using that money to build this transmission line into Arua,” said D’ujanga.